NYC Master Chorale presents

NYC Master Chorale: Lift Every Voice and Sing

Saturday | November 16 2024 | 7 pm


NYCMC uses a sliding scale ticket model. "Pay it forward" tickets are $35, standard priced tickets are $25, and discounted tickets are $10. This ticket model is designed so that everyone can attend our concerts regardless of financial circumstances. The $25 and $10 tickets are accessible using the codes NYCMC-25 and NYCMC-10.

The New York City Master Chorale presents Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing, a celebration of the literary achievement of James Weldon Johnson. An exuberant setting of The Creation by jazz pianist and composer Pete Malinverni will feature student and alumni instrumentalists from the jazz program of the Conservatory of Music at Purchase College, State University of New York. Malinverni's haunting and heartfelt setting of Johnson's A Gift to Sing and other poems will feature soprano Lydia Brown. Other works on the program include A Quiet Place as arranged by Mervyn Warren for Take 6's 1988 self-titled debut album, and George Shearing's Songs and Sonnets, including the rapturous "Who Is Silvia?"

New York City Master Chorale
David J. Recca, conductor
Aizhan Soltanova, conducting fellow
Lydia Brown, soprano
Andrea Lodge, piano
Pete Malinverni, piano
Alumni instrumentalists from the Jazz Program of the Conservatory of Music at Purchase Collage, State University of New York

J. ROSAMOND JOHNSON  –  Lift Every Voice and Sing (arr. Pete Malinverni)
GEORGE SHEARING  –  Songs and Sonnets:
     When daffodils begin to peer     
     It was a lover and his lass
     Who is Silvia?
     Fie on sinful fantasy 
BOB CHILCOTT  –  Learned poets (from Little Jazz Madrigals)    
CLAUDE DEBUSSY  –  L’ombre des arbres (from Ariettes oubliées, L. 60)  
RALPH CARMICHAEL  –  A Quiet Place ( arr. Mervyn Warren)
PETE MALINVERNI  –  Sonnets (2023):
     Deep In the Quiet Wood
     The Gift to Sing
     Life (The Blues)
     The Awakening
PETE MALINVERNI  –  The Creation 

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