Tuesday | June 20 2023 | 7:30 pm
In June, 2023, we will mark the 90th Yahrzeit (date of passing) of the King of Cantors, the great Yossele Rosenblatt. Rosenblatt's music has permeated Jewish life and Synagogue music throughout the globe. He set the gold standard for creativity in Cantorial arts with his magnificent and beautiful voice. Rosenblatt died in 1933 at the age of 51, but his music lives on in the hearts of Cantorial aficionados and supporters everywhere.
Rosenblatt's fame extended beyond the Jewish world earning him large concert fees, a singing role in the 1927 film The Jazz Singer, and the sobriquet "The Jewish Caruso". He was known for his extraordinary technique, for the sweetness of his timbre, and for his unique ability to transition from normal voice to falsetto with hardly any noticeable break at all. Notably, he turned down a "golden hello" from the Chicago opera house because it violated his religious principles.
All selections that will be performed were written and composed by Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt
Cantor Netanel Hershtik
Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgot
Cantor Yaakov Stark
Cantor Yanky Lemmer
Cantor Zevi Muller
Cantor Eric Freeman, Piano
Maestro Yossi Schwartz, Musical Director and Choir Conductor