Broadway Close Up: Kay Swift

Monday | April 19 2021 | 7 pm


Featuring host Sean Hartley and Nikki Renée Daniels, Jeff Kready, Sally Wilfert and Klea Blackhurst; Music Directed by Georgia Stitt

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Sean Hartley and a stellar cast of Broadway performers explore the life and music of composer Kay Swift (1897-1993). The first woman to write the score to a successful Broadway musical, Fine and Dandy, Swift is often remembered as George Gershwin’s lover. Did Swift’s long relationship with Gershwin help her career, or prevent her from reaching her full potential? Why are there almost no female composers from the 1930s to the 1950s, and what dynamics did women in the field need to navigate at that time? Discover Swift’s dramatic life story, and hear her hit songs from Fine and Dandy, musical revues, and the Hollywood film Never a Dull Moment.

Ask host Sean Hartley anything at a live post-event Q&A!
Submit questions in advance or during the performance or Q&A to questions@www.kaufmanmusiccenter.org. If you're watching on YouTube, you can also ask questions in the chat.

This performance is generously underwritten by the Kay Swift Memorial Trust.

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