Hellenic American Cultural Foundation presents

Poetic Soundscapes: Gavriilidis-Petrin and Mouza

Wednesday | February 5 2025 | 7 pm


$20 student tickets are available. Call the box office at 212 501 3330.

Poetic Soundscapes:  Debut of two premier Greek musicians of the next generation drawing from the deepest roots in the musical tradition of the Romantic Era.

Timotheos Gavriilidis-Petrin, cello
Alexia Mouza, piano

JANACEK  –  Pohadka
POULENC  –  Sonata for Cello and Piano
- Intermission -
PAPANDOPULO  –  Rapsodia Concertante
BRAHMS  –  Sonata No. 2 in F Major

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