Ballet III/IV


Ballet 3/4 covers a more complicated Barre which includes releve during many combinations, working with the inside and outside leg, balances in different poses, combining steps together and pirouettes and double frappe among other things. Center work will include complicated pirouette combinations en dehors and en dedans and waltz steps, pique arabesques and pas de bouree. Jumps will be combined together and beats taught in petit allegro. Also more difficult jumps will be learned such as ballone, ballote, brise, tour jetes, grand jete and fouetté turns.

The curriculum is designed to continue through the Fall and Spring semesters. Students registered for the same day and time in the Fall & Spring semesters culminate in a performance in May.

Please visit the Dance Program Page for Attire info.


Class format: In-person

Class Details

Class ID 17527
Age 9 - 17
Day Sun
Time 1:15 pm - 2:30 pm
Start/End September 15, 2024 - January 12, 2025
Sessions 15 | Show dates
Term Year 24-25
Tuition $600
Max Class Size 12
Instructor Andrea Redman

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