Dalcroze for Adults

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Dalcroze Open Class: Wednesday, January 22, 7-8pm with Michael Joviala

Give us a call at 212 501 3360 or send us an email at lucymosesschool@kaufmanmusiccenter.org to sign up!

The Dalcroze School at Lucy Moses School offers a unique and comprehensive musical training that benefits music students, teachers, actors, dancers and many others. Its core subjects are Eurhythmics, the study of rhythm; Solfége, ear training and musical literacy; and Improvisation, spontaneous musical expression at the piano. Faculty include Sean Hartley (License), Michael Joviala (Diplôme Supèrieur), Cynthia Lilley (License), and Leslie Upchurch (License). Lucy Moses School offers full Dalcroze Certification at the Certificate and License levels, but you do not need to work toward certification to enroll in Dalcroze classes. The program is accredited by the Dalcroze Society of America.  

Students are saying:

  • “I was surprised by how much I learned rhythmically and improvisationally in such a short amount of time.”
  • “Wonderful, educational, inspiring, useful fun and more fun!”
  • “It’s a great experience and definitely it’s a very practical skill I would use and apply in my teaching."
  • "Above all it makes music SO FUN!”


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