Recorder Lessons

There are three easy ways to register for private lessons:
PHONE: 212 501 3360
ONLINE: Young People's Division or Adult Division

Whether you're a beginning, intermediate or advanced recorder student, private recorder lessons with a supportive and motivating recorder teacher are the best way to develop your skills. Each private lesson student has the option to perform in recorder recitals and performances throughout the school year. We offer recorder lessons for children and recorder lessons for adults. Recorder lessons are 30, 45 or 60 minutes.

Private lesson registration is open year-round.
Children may register for 30-weeks of lessons from September to June and or any number of lessons during the summer. Adult students may register for 7 weeks or 14 weeks of lessons at a time.


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Our Registrars are here to help you find the perfect class or private lesson! 212 501 3360 or lucymosesschool​@kaufmanmusiccenter​.org.

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